1. Monthly newsletter-includes tax and legislation tips.
2. Participation on the Jean Baptiste Point DuSable Grant Fund development.
3. A monthly ad in the digital newsletter.
4. An invitation to Interview on our You Tube Channel.
5. A Vinyl banner for your business double sided, 1' x 2'.
6. 30% discount on a monthly vending space (1 per month for 12 months.)
7. Registration to annual conference in 2025.
1. Monthly newsletter-includes tax and legislation tips.
2. Participation on the Jean Baptiste Point DuSable Grant Fund development.
3. A monthly ad in the digital newsletter.
4. An invitation to Interview on our You Tube Channel.
5. 30% discount on a monthly vending space (1 per month for 12 months.)
6. Registration to annual conference.
1. Monthly newsletter-includes tax and legislation tips.
2. Participation on the Jean Baptiste Point DuSable Grant Fund development.
3. 30% discount on a monthly vending space (1 per month for 12 months.)
4. Registration to annual conference.
1. Monthly newsletter-includes tax and legislation tips.
2. Participation on the Jean Baptiste Point DuSable Grant Fund development.
3. 30% discount on a monthly vending space (1 per month for 12 months.)
Display Promotion Practices Seminar
Discussion and examples of various ways to display products.
5 Strategies to draw your customer Workshop
An interactive workshop to understand the strategies.
How to identify the perfect customer workshop.
An interactive workshop to discuss your ideal customer.
This will be an annual 4day conference to meet and greet fellow members. The program will be as follows.
A. 1st day: Opening registration. Evening opening of the program, keynote speaker and mingling. Professional dress.
B. 2nd day: Full day of interactive workshops. Members will be invited to participate as speakers and presenters. Topics to be announced. Business Casual. An evening on your own.
C. 3rd day: Morning of interactive training and recognitions. Business casual. Afternoon group fun or on your own. Evening gala with keynote speaker.
D. 4th day: Morning breakfast and interactive programming. End program.
Registration Ends May 31, 2025.
What training do you need more of for your business? Such as marketing, business writing, tax information, professional development, etc.